Sunday, April 22, 2012

What Happened to this Blog?

Well there is an egregiously long story about that, that no one will want to hear, and frankly, is mostly excuses.

I can at least blame part of it on not having cable internet for nearly three months. But then I rediscovered this thing called FB. And it was so easy and I could do it from my smart phone. Which is frankly the only way a lazy person like myself will be bothered with social sites.

However I have decided the bring the blog back to life. . .
                              . . .now that my students are FB stalking me.

It's one of those, "Crap did I say anything mean about them in previous posts?", and, "Well now I really have to behave."

(Not that I didn't in the first place, and still do. The internet is far more incriminating that IRL - I don't know any other scenario where our every thought is written out for the record. Unless you go around with a personal stenographer.)

Which is not the intended purpose of social sites. You are supposed to forget that anyone and everyone can read your comments in spite the safety of reporting them from a keyboard rather than saying them to someone's face.

But every now and then I would like to say something in English I can't possibly get flack for. Or that my manager can't read. (I accepted the friend request. Otherwise - that might be rude.)

BTW, when did FB become the new awkward means of rejecting someone? Classic Hollywood tells us that the, "I'm washing my hair," was the preferred rejection of the classy lady. Now a days it's the highly suspect proclamation, "I don't have a FB account."

My mother has a FB account and so did my father, for a brief period there.  Dogs have FB pages. Really, we've all caved to peer pressure and made a FB account at one point or another. Now whether we quit while we were ahead or continued to feed the addiction is another matter.

But now a days you have to come up with new lies to passive aggressively discourage the less desirable people from knowing just how little you wish to converse with them. One of my students gave that particular excuse to another older gentleman who was too old to be asking for her contact information. And that example is one of the prime reason I am bringing the blog back to life. I do want a bit of an outlet to talk smack about some of the people I come across without offending the Japanese sense of politeness.

And it is not so much smack as I would like to use cynical remarks and biting wit without an unfortunate lost in translation moment.

So to conclude this overly long post - Hello world. I'm back at it. Be very afraid.

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